
Diabetic eye disease
Diabetic eye disease What is diabetes? More than 1 million Australians have known diabetes. There are 2 main types of diabetes: Type 1 diabetes This

Cataract What is a cataract? When asked, many people wrongly believe that a cataract is a “film” or “cloudiness” that grows on the outside of

Cataract What is a cataract? When asked, many people wrongly believe that a cataract is a “film” or “cloudiness” that grows on the outside of

Sun Protection
Protecting your eyes against the Perth sun Australia has one of the highest UV ratings in the world — and a world-high skin cancer

Perth Eye Hospital
When you book a surgery or procedure as a private patient with Peel Vision, it’ll occur at one of three locations — our Peel Vision

Blepharospasm What is blepharospasm? “Blepharo” means eyelid and “spasm” means uncontrolled muscle contraction. So blepharospasm refers to any uncontrolled and involuntary movement of the eyelid.